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Публикации на букву «T»

Tani Olivia
The Russo-Japanese War and Japanese concept of territorial identity in the Sakhalin Island. The Russo-Japanese War and Japanese concept of territorial identity in the Sakhalin Island.
Storia e Futuro, n. 14, maggio 2007
pdf (212 кб.)

In this article I shall argue that the Russo-Japanese War, was not only a clash for the political and economical supremacy in the Far East regions, but also a way for a territorial annexation where the reasons were neither political nor economical, but cultural. Ms. Olivia Tani (independent scholar)

Yanshina Oksana V.; Kuzmin Yaroslav V.
The Earliest Evidence of Human Settlement in the Kurile Islands (Russian Far East): The Yankito Site Cluster, Iturup Island.
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 5: 1, 179 — 184
pdf (383 кб.)

The Russian Far East has always been considered one of the possible routes for Upper Paleolithic humans to migrate from North and East Asia to North America. Although the Kurile Islands act as a natural ‘bridge’ between the Japanese archipelago and Kamchatka Peninsula, archaeological research has been relatively sparse.
In the early 1980s, preliminary data were obtained by Prof. Yuri V. Knorozov (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography, St. Petersburg) from what appeared to be an early archaeological complex near Yankito Creek on central Iturup Island. Two conventional radiocarbon dates suggested that the site dated to around 7000 RYBP (ca. 7600–7900 cal BP), representing an extremely early occupation compared to other sites in the Kuriles. In an effort to improve our understanding of Yankito, we conducted field investigations in summer 2007. Here we provide a brief report on our recent research, including artifacts recovered and additional radiocarbon dates to compare with the earlier findings by Y.V. Knorozov.

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